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Showing posts with the label drink juice

Can a woman drink juice after sex? Is it safe to use contraception during the safe period?

Can a woman drink juice after sex? Sex is an essential experience for women. However, many women do not pay special attention to healthcare after sex. Then Can you drink juice after sex? The following small series will introduce you. If you've just experienced a drunken dream sex game, you should do a good job of cleaning up afterwards. Some women will ask if they can drink juice after sex. To solve this problem, let's see if women can drink juice after passion. If you want to know the details, please see below. Can a woman drink juice after passion? In general, sex greatly increases a woman's likelihood of developing vaginitis and cystitis. All health studies at the University of California show that women have sexual intercourse more than 3 times a week, and about 50% of people will have urinary tract infections. Fortunately, one study showed that women tend to be less likely to have urinary tract infections if they change their diet slightly. Women who drink at least one...