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Showing posts with the label erectile dysfunction

What are the ways to prevent erectile dysfunction? Prevention of erectile dysfunction Pay attention to these things

To prevent erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to develop good living habits. As we all know, erectile dysfunction and other erectile dysfunction on men more and more blows, many times, men should have a certain understanding of erectile dysfunction knowledge, know some prevention knowledge, so as to better prevent and treat erectile dysfunction diseases. Andrology experts pointed out that to prevent erectile sexual dysfunction, we must do a good job of mental health care! Erectile dysfunction Erectile dysfunction can be divided into three types: organic erectile dysfunction, psychological erectile dysfunction, or mixed erectile dysfunction. Among them, psychological erectile dysfunction is more common. We need to build good psychological qualities to prevent erectile dysfunction. It is necessary to avoid various types of sexual stimulation and stop sexual life for a period of time to ensure that the sexual center and sexual organs can be regulated and rested, which is conducive to t...