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Showing posts with the label frequent sex

Frequent sex can lose weight is a fallacy Inventory of the dangers of frequent sex

Sex really sweats, but do you think you burn calories when you sweat thin? Frequent sex to lose weight is wrong When people have sex, certain physiological and psychological reactions occur in various systems and organs of the body. For example, heartbeat, rapid breathing, increased blood pressure, etc., orgasm, the number of heartbeats per minute increases to 110~180 times / minute, the number of breaths increases to 40 times / minute, and the blood pressure increases to 180/110 mm mercury column (24/14.7 kPa). According to this, in recent years, some people believe that sex will consume a lot of heat energy, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss. There are also overseas people who make lists of heat energy consumption for various activities. Take off the jacket 12 kcal, take off the underwear 8 kcal, foreplay 3 kcal, orgasm 112 kcal, orgasm 12~36 kcal, etc. All this data seems to believe in this sexual weight loss technique. But according to recent sex studies, although people ...