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Showing posts with the label sex education

When should children be taught sex education? There are five important periods for children’s sex education

There is no doubt about the importance of sex education to children, but it should be carried out according to the age and development level of the child, and should be delivered in appropriate ways and content. Sex education should be carried out at different stages to ensure that children gradually understand sexual health knowledge related to their development and growth. Here are five important times for childhood sex education: Early childhood (3-5 years old): Sex education at this stage should be very basic and simple. Children should learn to name their body parts correctly, including their sexual organs. Parents or guardians can respond to their child's questions in an appropriate manner, but without going into too much detail. Childhood (6-8 years old): During this period, sex education can be more detailed but should still be delivered in an age-appropriate manner. Children can begin to understand the physical differences in the body, such as male and female reproductive ...