Many men will indulge in reading pornographic novels or videos, believing that it can improve sexual ability, but it is not. The more you watch porn, the more impulsive it is. As time goes by, it will cause apathy. If you want to prevent sexual desire from declining, you should master scientific nursing methods. What effects do men often watch porn? 1. Ignore the sexual partners around Now, there are many sources of information. With the information of electronic products, men can directly obtain pornographic movies from the Internet. The more they watch, the more energetic they will be, which will bring some sexual stimulation. Some men spend a lot of time watching pornographic videos, but this will ignore their sexual partners, affect the relationship between husband and wife, and even break up their marriage. 2. Cause sexual desire to decline The sex scenes in most porn films are very exaggerated, which is completely different from the experience in real life. There is a certain gap...